Category Archives: windows
Windows Error 0x800700FF when trying to play a movie
System files could be corrupt – one possible solution to this problem:
Uploading a video to YouTube or Facebook freezes or stalls part way through upload and Chrome console shows ERR_HTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR – one possible fix:
The problem encountered: after trying to upload a video to YouTube or Facebook using a Windows 10 machine, the video upload freezes and gets stuck only a short way into the upload (eg. at the 5 or 10% mark) and … Continue reading
Windows XP fix firewall that cannot be displayed
Error message: “Windows firewall settings can not be displayed because the associated service is not running. Do you want to start windows firewall/internet connection sharing service?” Issues with a corrupted firewall can sometimes be fixed by rebuilding the Windows Management … Continue reading
FTP Notes
Proftpd connections: ftptop – show current connections in realtime in a ‘top’ like format ftpwho – list current connections Restart Proftpd (Parallels Plesk/Cent OS): /etc/init.d/xinetd restart Active vs Passive FTP: A good article on this subject can be found here. MS-DOS … Continue reading
Memory leak Netgear WNDA3100v2 USB Wifi adapter
Version 1.2 of the Windows XP driver has a memory leak – the solution is to upgrade the driver to a later version of the driver. Version 1.3 (driver date: 05/11/2009, driver version: also appears to have a memory … Continue reading
SRV 2019 Error (The server was unable to allocate from the system NonPaged pool because the pool was empty)
An excellent article on troubleshooting this error can be found here:–2020-or-2019.aspx